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Updated: Apr 21, 2018

Accelerated Reader (AR) is a website that you can take tests over books that you have read to reach literacy goals in the classroom.

AR Book Finder is a website where you can look up titles of books and find the points and reading levels tied to the books.

Storyworks Jr. is a website that gives you access to texts that are read in class. You also have access to the activities tied to the readings.

ABCya! is a website that has a variety of games centered around reading and vocabulary.

Free Reading Program gives you access to lessons, activities, and games to support literacy.

"Don't ever give up on yourself or your dreams. You're worthwhile, and always will be, no matter what. Just remember to always be who you are, because that person is very special.

There's no person in the whole world like you. And I like you just the way you are."

-Fred Rogers

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